"So another evening full of writing another evening of National Novel Writing Month has finished. There has been quite a bit of character development over the 1800 words I wrote last night. Putting me up to just under 6000 words ...Read More
"So, I'm using SpinVox to blog during National Novel Writing Month which began Saturday. Which means I just call a number and talk, their computer does some tricks and I get a post in my 'pending' box in my Wordpress ...Read More
Here it is, the fruits of my labour, for you to read and enjoy. Concrete Operational - Alpha v0.8 Germany Germany has been taken out of a world that feeds on the ignorance of its people. A world that is dominated ...Read More
Actual writing time for the novel totals almost 11 months now. There was a 12 month hiatus in the middle as I started my professional career in the world of social media and marketing, but, actual solid writing time, we’re ...Read More
Taking risks with my writing, I’ve thought about this a few times but Mark's recent post over at his excellent blog – Voice of your muse – has inspired me to blog about the subject. Ever since man has been able ...Read More
What’s in a name? Well, a lot I’d like to argue, actually a considerable amount when it comes to both the naming of the novel and the naming of the characters contained within. But as the title of this post ...Read More
This is a post I’ve been meaning to do for a while now, considering all the traveling I’ve been doing with work and such. I got the urge again after a recent Anchored Author post by Tracy, so hopefully this ...Read More
Time for assessment I think. It’s been a few weeks since I last posted, in that time I’ve completed the first nine chapters, totaling 55,643 words. I’ve had it tidied up by an academic, sieving all the grammar and punctuation ...Read More
I love walking into my local G&D's cafe in Oxford, grabbing a cup of tea, opening up my laptop, sitting down in the middle of the room, sticking my headphones in, looking at faces and letting go. Controlled breathing, a ...Read More