NEON & CONCRETE - The Mission Statement: To provide a collaborative media project bringing together short stories based on neo-noir and existential aesthetics with inspiration from the art of 3D render community. I am a long-time believer in the power of collaborative media. No ...Read More
Two days ago it was Hunter S Thompson's birthday, this man was and still is my idol. I'm sat in a tea house, here in Japan, in a small town called Nakatsu on the island of Kyushu, recovering from an ...Read More
So, I've been a little disappointed in myself. I have over the last six months, become incredibly distracted, removing myself from my daily writing routines, and instead getting myself into all sorts of emotional trouble. This however, is not necessarily ...Read More
Just over three years ago, whilst writing the first version of Concrete Operational, I wrote a post about love, it’s here, and I’ve put the extract below: “Arh, now, there's a subject, if not THE subject. To end, to beat, to ...Read More
Just a quick post to let anyone who reads this blog about the launch of Concrete Operational. Anyone is welcome, entry is free, there will be amazing music, incredible art, readings from the novel and the screening of the official Concrete ...Read More
Okay, a few things. This blog isn’t dead, I’ve just been very busy both with the day job and the project. I’ve been writing and making a lot of revisions to the novel with one hand, taking care of admin ...Read More
I like pleasure spiked with pain and Twitter is my aeroplane It's my aeroplane Songbird sweet and sour Jane and Twitter is my aeroplane It's my aeroplane Pleasure spiked with pain That motherfucker's always spiked with pain With all the mainstream press Twitter has been getting lately and ...Read More
So, a little behind schedule, but hey, it's been a busy month with Christmas and all, and here it is, the first very rough edit; It Tastes Like Copper – Alpha V0.1 Synopsis: It’s been a few years now, a few long years ...Read More
"So, we have a National Novel Writing Month winner! That's right, last night, by the skin of my teeth I managed to crawl over 50,000 words and enter them in to the thing that they have to count the words ...Read More