Operation Concrete

The Interloper

It would seem, from the things that I have come to understand over the course of this life so far, that the age of 30 is a particular age that a man should deem as significantly important. I believe 30 ...Read More

Japan:Creative – Interview #1 – Hiroyuki Hamada

Japan:Creative – Interview #1 – Hiroyuki Hamada How do you identify yourself? What makes you so, ‘You?’ It's hard enough for even the most reassured of us to answer, so, how does a country with a powerfully rich Eastern history combined ...Read More


Let's get one thing straight from the outset, Japan isn't quite as weird as everyone thinks. There are of course, a series of slightly obscure, lightly twisted elements to culture here, there are fetishes, news stories, interesting and unique services, ...Read More

Jack Rawstone’s dead. Long live Jack Rawstone.

I created Jack Rawstone when I was in university as a medium to experiment with writing,. Both a pseudonym and a 'mythical' alter-ego simultaneously, he was largely in response to my obsession with Hunter S Thompson at the time, and his ...Read More

A pledge.

Two days ago it was Hunter S Thompson's birthday, this man was and still is my idol. I'm sat in a tea house, here in Japan, in a small town called Nakatsu on the island of Kyushu, recovering from an ...Read More


Japan, I was there, on the ground for 15 days, and there would have been a time, in the not so distant past, where I would have attempted to delve deep and go a little Gonzo with my write up ...Read More

On writing: All experience fuels ideas

So, I've been a little disappointed in myself. I have over the last six months, become incredibly distracted, removing myself from my daily writing routines, and instead getting myself into all sorts of emotional trouble. This however, is not necessarily ...Read More

Writing about love – Part 2

Just over three years ago, whilst writing the first version of Concrete Operational, I wrote a post about love, it’s here, and I’ve put the extract below: “Arh, now, there's a subject, if not THE subject. To end, to beat, to ...Read More

What do you want to be?

There's a couple of things that I'd like out of life. One would be a cottage with a peat fire by a loch in the highlands. Another would be two black Scottish Terriers called Phobos and Deimos. Another would probably ...Read More

A short story: The Choice

So, it's been a long time since I've written a short story, but I recently wrote and as it turns out, it was exactly what I needed to get me back into the swing of things for revisions to the ...Read More