Operation Concrete


Japan, I was there, on the ground for 15 days, and there would have been a time, in the not so distant past, where I would have attempted to delve deep and go a little Gonzo with my write up ...Read More

Writing about love – Part 2

Just over three years ago, whilst writing the first version of Concrete Operational, I wrote a post about love, it’s here, and I’ve put the extract below: “Arh, now, there's a subject, if not THE subject. To end, to beat, to ...Read More

2010 & 2011: Caution is our enemy

So, come March I’ll have been running this particular blog for three years. In that time I’ve used it twice as a sort of mechanism to consolidate what I’ve achieved in the year gone by, and what my goals are ...Read More

A slight change in direction

New year, new plans and all that - I thought I already did that post - and now for a little brain splurge from me to get some direction for all this, that is Cementum. Some quick thoughts to help ...Read More

2009 and 2010: How to maintain and dominate

This is going to be a big round-up post of what 2009 was, and what 2010 will be in terms of my personal life, my professional life, my creative life, my project based life, my novel writing and everything ...Read More

Operation Concrete: The round up

This post is long overdue, I guess I should have done this shortly after the actual launch night but December turned out to be just as busy and stressful as the preceding months and I ended up pretty much sleeping ...Read More

Concrete Operational: Launch & digital embeds

Just a quick post to let anyone who reads this blog about the launch of Concrete Operational. Anyone is welcome, entry is free, there will be amazing music, incredible art, readings from the novel and the screening of the official Concrete ...Read More

Concrete Operational: The Designs

The design process for a novel is difficult enough, spending (literally) dozens of hours unearthing a concept that could work across not only the novel, but the Art Book and Album as well pushed my designer, Mike Cranston, very nearly ...Read More

Starred Inspiration #5

I’m rampant at the moment, I’ve got 22 musicians, 5 artists, one graphics designer, an aloof venue manager, recording studio guy, proofing editors, journalists, boxing companies, friends, family and myself all biding for attention as the process of organising Operation ...Read More

Operation Concrete & £5,000 Arts Council Funding

So, they did it, they finally confirmed that Operation Concrete has won arts council funding and now I'm taking possibly the biggest leap in my life. Approximately £5,000 to explore emotions, creativity, and a collaboration between the written word, art ...Read More