Operation Concrete

The Trial of Gravity – A novel by Richard Galbraith

So, I’m in a comfortable enough place now to reveal – without sounding too pretentious – the workings of the next novel and what I want to achieve with it. Whilst my work with Concrete Operational is still in full swing, ...Read More

Operation Concrete: The round up

This post is long overdue, I guess I should have done this shortly after the actual launch night but December turned out to be just as busy and stressful as the preceding months and I ended up pretty much sleeping ...Read More

Concrete Operational: Launch & digital embeds

Just a quick post to let anyone who reads this blog about the launch of Concrete Operational. Anyone is welcome, entry is free, there will be amazing music, incredible art, readings from the novel and the screening of the official Concrete ...Read More

Op:Con – The Arts Council Grant

To help fund Operation:Concrete I’m applying for an Arts Council grant. I want to apply for about £5000 which is the mark at which it’s still classed as a ‘small project,’ although this whole thing feels anything but small. This is ...Read More

Concrete Operational – Blurb Book

So, as Operation:Concrete progresses, I seem to be making more and more lists, in ever more detail, on each and every category of thing I need to get done. It’s starting to get slightly ridiculous and things are moving slower ...Read More

Operation : Concrete

I’ve been giving considerable amounts of thought to my application to the Arts Council for a grant, which aims to help my collaborative arts project around the self-publication of Concrete Operational. It’s using up a lot of brain time, ...Read More

2009: A year in domination.

2009, the future, we’re here and I have a lot of plans. I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while now, but I’ve been pretty busy. This post may ramble a bit and seem a bit self involved, ...Read More

"So my phone has been playing up over the last couple of days and I kept getting 'network busy' messages when trying to call SpinVox, which is a bit peculiar but I'm back blogging now. Tuesday morning. Final week of ...Read More

"So, last night was the first night of National Novel Writing month where it kind of really felt like it was a chore, it felt like it was homework which was a bit weird and put me off a little ...Read More

"So, another morning here in London follows another evening of NaNoWriMo. I feel a little bit weird walking to the tube in the mornings, which is where I'm doing these blogs from, and talking into my phone like I'm talking ...Read More