Operation Concrete

Japan:Creative – Interview #1 – Hiroyuki Hamada

Japan:Creative – Interview #1 – Hiroyuki Hamada How do you identify yourself? What makes you so, ‘You?’ It's hard enough for even the most reassured of us to answer, so, how does a country with a powerfully rich Eastern history combined ...Read More


Let's get one thing straight from the outset, Japan isn't quite as weird as everyone thinks. There are of course, a series of slightly obscure, lightly twisted elements to culture here, there are fetishes, news stories, interesting and unique services, ...Read More

A pledge.

Two days ago it was Hunter S Thompson's birthday, this man was and still is my idol. I'm sat in a tea house, here in Japan, in a small town called Nakatsu on the island of Kyushu, recovering from an ...Read More


Japan, I was there, on the ground for 15 days, and there would have been a time, in the not so distant past, where I would have attempted to delve deep and go a little Gonzo with my write up ...Read More