So, I’m in a comfortable enough place now to reveal – without sounding too pretentious – the workings of the next novel and what I want to achieve with it. Whilst my work with Concrete Operational is still in full swing, ...Read More
So, a little behind schedule, but hey, it's been a busy month with Christmas and all, and here it is, the first very rough edit; It Tastes Like Copper – Alpha V0.1 Synopsis: It’s been a few years now, a few long years ...Read More
"Another day in national novel writing month has gone and another set of words written. I was feeling quite tired last night but I managed to get about 1.5k words written which was quite good, but I feel these SpinVox ...Read More
"So another week begins and another week of National Novel Writing Month. I was thinking over the weekend why exactly I'm doing NaNoWriMo, which is an interesting question really. I think there's a couple of sides to it. Principally; the ...Read More
"So another evening full of writing another evening of National Novel Writing Month has finished. There has been quite a bit of character development over the 1800 words I wrote last night. Putting me up to just under 6000 words ...Read More