“Why are we here? To have fun, or get the job done?” Approx quote – Hunter S Thompson – Fear and loathing in Las Vegas Well, as Dr Gonzo so infamously replied - 'To get the job done of course'. But still, ...Read More
I generally find inspiration in everything, literally everything. I guess you have to be like that when writing, take a look at an object or person, animal, anything, and take something from it, steal part of it for yourself. Always ...Read More
I'm extremely happy right now, I just broke 42k words. This basically marks the 3/5 point of the novel. It's probably just over half way, but not quite three quarters, that's why I went with that slightly odd fraction of ...Read More
Last time I quickly looked at painting a person, creating a being, with words. I thought for this post I may as well look quickly at actually creating an environment, surroundings, a landscape in which to place that person. Speaking ...Read More