So, been a busy little bee on the Wikipedia front this week, reading and learning about plenty a new thing. I've got so many interesting pages saved that I'm going to do a top three, Existentialism, the Chinese proverb 'May ...Read More
Now I came across Neil Kellerhouse the way I come across a lot of awesome creative inspiration, via Kitsune Noir. However, normally, as great as the work is that I find on there, most of it can be book marked ...Read More
Another week and another selection of links of things that I found inspirational over the last seven days. I might start trying to make this post a little more interesting rather than just a collection of links, but it's really ...Read More
So, I’m in a comfortable enough place now to reveal – without sounding too pretentious – the workings of the next novel and what I want to achieve with it. Whilst my work with Concrete Operational is still in full swing, ...Read More
Another reasonably slow week when it comes to wikipedia exploring, but three particular pages I'd like to draw your attention to this time around, including one of the most interesting natural places on the planet, America's greatest General who supposedly slaughtered Muslims with ...Read More
Where to start with this man. A true legend of our time, he's the person responsible for me studying journalism, and finding a bit of a path in life. That path may have gone astray from time to time, in ...Read More
Another week gone, another set of links that I've found great deal of inspiration from this week. Two that stand out in particular are the photos of atomic bombs, from BLDGBLOG entitled 'White Sun' which links to the New York ...Read More
Back to wikipedia wednesday. Been a bit of a slow week wikipedia-wise, generally been too busy to get stuck into a real long chain of awesome pages, but there's a couple of things I've found I'd like to share. Tao - ...Read More
I’ve been meaning to write about Jenny Holzer for some time now, but every time I do I feel a little bit intimidated, or even scared by the prospect of trying to put down just how inspired I feel by ...Read More