Just read and watch then watch the video below: "That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of ...Read More
Another week gone, another set of links that I've found great deal of inspiration from this week. Two that stand out in particular are the photos of atomic bombs, from BLDGBLOG entitled 'White Sun' which links to the New York ...Read More
My appreciation for photography grows almost daily, blogs like Booooooom and post sites like We heart it and push though so much daily it's completely impossible to keep up with the sheer volume of amazing images that come through. I've ...Read More
I’m rampant at the moment, I’ve got 22 musicians, 5 artists, one graphics designer, an aloof venue manager, recording studio guy, proofing editors, journalists, boxing companies, friends, family and myself all biding for attention as the process of organising Operation ...Read More
Normal posts about general creativity and exploring the revisions and re-writes I'm currently doing to Concrete Operational should resume here shortly, in the mean time here's some things that I have collected using my Google reader over the last seven ...Read More
Okay, a few things. This blog isn’t dead, I’ve just been very busy both with the day job and the project. I’ve been writing and making a lot of revisions to the novel with one hand, taking care of admin ...Read More
Now I’ve got my new Nikon D40 SLR, I’m carrying on with expanding my efforts into other creative areas. The other night I went down to London’s Southbank, awesome place architecturally, especially, if like me, you’re into brutalism. I’ve uploaded some ...Read More