So, I've been a little disappointed in myself. I have over the last six months, become incredibly distracted, removing myself from my daily writing routines, and instead getting myself into all sorts of emotional trouble. This however, is not necessarily ...Read More
Just a quick post to let anyone who reads this blog about the launch of Concrete Operational. Anyone is welcome, entry is free, there will be amazing music, incredible art, readings from the novel and the screening of the official Concrete ...Read More
The design process for a novel is difficult enough, spending (literally) dozens of hours unearthing a concept that could work across not only the novel, but the Art Book and Album as well pushed my designer, Mike Cranston, very nearly ...Read More
I’m rampant at the moment, I’ve got 22 musicians, 5 artists, one graphics designer, an aloof venue manager, recording studio guy, proofing editors, journalists, boxing companies, friends, family and myself all biding for attention as the process of organising Operation ...Read More
So, they did it, they finally confirmed that Operation Concrete has won arts council funding and now I'm taking possibly the biggest leap in my life. Approximately £5,000 to explore emotions, creativity, and a collaboration between the written word, art ...Read More
Lots going on, lots to implement and think about, lots to scratch at and tickle, lots to render down and understand, just lots of things. Last week should have been more eventful than it was, but certain messages that were ...Read More
Okay, a few things. This blog isn’t dead, I’ve just been very busy both with the day job and the project. I’ve been writing and making a lot of revisions to the novel with one hand, taking care of admin ...Read More
So, it's been a few weeks coming, but I finally produced and rendered my novel and pushed it through the Amazon CreateSpace self publishing and print on demand system, and I must say, it has been the best experience so ...Read More
So, whilst I've been working on the project, the revisions to the novel itself and doing my regular job, I've been trying to test out the the different print on demand services that are available on the internet. As this ...Read More