As with everything, we need context. In order to pursue something, an idea, a thought, a question, we need a bit of background, the below is such background, for both the project I've decided to name 'Japan:Creative' and for myself, ...Read More
Just read and watch then watch the video below: "That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of ...Read More
There's a couple of things that I'd like out of life. One would be a cottage with a peat fire by a loch in the highlands. Another would be two black Scottish Terriers called Phobos and Deimos. Another would probably ...Read More
Now, unfortunately, due to illness I was unable to make a screener of The Social Network, a new film by David Fincher, which follows the progression and success of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, but that's not to say ...Read More
It's national poetry day, and I just had to post this. Enjoy. Gie him strong drink until he wink,That's sinking in despair;An' liquor guid to fire his bluid,That's prest wi' grief and care:There let him bouse, an' deep carouse,Wi' bumpers flowing ...Read More
Another week gone, another set of links that I've found great deal of inspiration from this week. Two that stand out in particular are the photos of atomic bombs, from BLDGBLOG entitled 'White Sun' which links to the New York ...Read More
Sometimes life just needs to be embraced. This has been happening. Will be back soon, better and badder than ever. Richard. Read More
So, I’ve been strapped to my desk for the last three weeks now, I’ve revised / rewritten 35,000 words, listened to a lot of Muse, and generally have come up with a very well rendered restructuring of the novel, and ...Read More