NEON & CONCRETE - The Mission Statement: To provide a collaborative media project bringing together short stories based on neo-noir and existential aesthetics with inspiration from the art of 3D render community. I am a long-time believer in the power of collaborative media. No ...Read More
As with everything, we need context. In order to pursue something, an idea, a thought, a question, we need a bit of background, the below is such background, for both the project I've decided to name 'Japan:Creative' and for myself, ...Read More
Two days ago it was Hunter S Thompson's birthday, this man was and still is my idol. I'm sat in a tea house, here in Japan, in a small town called Nakatsu on the island of Kyushu, recovering from an ...Read More
So, I've been a little disappointed in myself. I have over the last six months, become incredibly distracted, removing myself from my daily writing routines, and instead getting myself into all sorts of emotional trouble. This however, is not necessarily ...Read More
Just over three years ago, whilst writing the first version of Concrete Operational, I wrote a post about love, it’s here, and I’ve put the extract below: “Arh, now, there's a subject, if not THE subject. To end, to beat, to ...Read More
I think I mentioned in a previous post that, upon my decision to actively work towards getting my novel published, I would be consulting the Oxford Editors to get it assessed by a professional author. Well, a few days ago ...Read More
What’s in a name? Well, a lot I’d like to argue, actually a considerable amount when it comes to both the naming of the novel and the naming of the characters contained within. But as the title of this post ...Read More
I love walking into my local G&D's cafe in Oxford, grabbing a cup of tea, opening up my laptop, sitting down in the middle of the room, sticking my headphones in, looking at faces and letting go. Controlled breathing, a ...Read More
The duality of man is a subject that philosophers and authors have fought around for some time. I doubt my 8500 words in Chapter 8 really do the subject much justice when you've got masterpieces of literary history like The ...Read More