Operation Concrete

Starred Inspiration #1

Okay, a few things. This blog isn’t dead, I’ve just been very busy both with the day job and the project. I’ve been writing and making a lot of revisions to the novel with one hand, taking care of admin ...Read More

Concrete Operational – CreateSpace Book Review

So, it's been a few weeks coming, but I finally produced and rendered my novel and pushed it through the Amazon CreateSpace self publishing and print on demand system, and I must say, it has been the best experience so ...Read More

Concrete Operational – Lulu Book Review

So, whilst I've been working on the project, the revisions to the novel itself and doing my regular job, I've been trying to test out the the different print on demand services that are available on the internet. As this ...Read More

Op:Con – Website and branding

So, as part of the overall marketing of the novel, the publishing process, an ecommerce solution and to publish the video blog documenting how I get on with everything, I needed a website. Visit this web-site - WebDesign499 for more details. This ...Read More

Op:Con – Gaining sponsors

So, I’m continuing to go through my Arts Council grant application process for Operation Concrete at the moment, and it’s not easy. I’ve put together proposals for massive projects with blue chip clients before now in my professional life, and ...Read More

Op:Con – The Arts Council Grant

To help fund Operation:Concrete I’m applying for an Arts Council grant. I want to apply for about £5000 which is the mark at which it’s still classed as a ‘small project,’ although this whole thing feels anything but small. This is ...Read More

Concrete Operational – Blurb Book

So, as Operation:Concrete progresses, I seem to be making more and more lists, in ever more detail, on each and every category of thing I need to get done. It’s starting to get slightly ridiculous and things are moving slower ...Read More

Operation : Concrete

I’ve been giving considerable amounts of thought to my application to the Arts Council for a grant, which aims to help my collaborative arts project around the self-publication of Concrete Operational. It’s using up a lot of brain time, ...Read More

Twitter (is my aeroplane)

I like pleasure spiked with pain and Twitter is my aeroplane It's my aeroplane Songbird sweet and sour Jane and Twitter is my aeroplane It's my aeroplane Pleasure spiked with pain That motherfucker's always spiked with pain With all the mainstream press Twitter has been getting lately and ...Read More

Photo #1 – London’s Southbank

Now I’ve got my new Nikon D40 SLR, I’m carrying on with expanding my efforts into other creative areas. The other night I went down to London’s Southbank, awesome place architecturally, especially, if like me, you’re into brutalism. I’ve uploaded some ...Read More