"So my phone has been playing up over the last couple of days and I kept getting 'network busy' messages when trying to call SpinVox, which is a bit peculiar but I'm back blogging now. Tuesday morning. Final week of national novel writing month, what can I say? It's been an interesting ride so far and this final week is going to be particularly interesting. As we draw to a close I managed to get a bit of writing done over the weekend, maybe not as much as I'd like though, and I got another 2k words done last night which puts me on just over 31k words, giving me 19k words to complete by Sunday, midnight, GMT, which is a task but it's totally doable. I think if I continue 2k words a night until Friday eve, and then 5k words Saturday 5k words Sunday, it seems like a reasonable task to me, but we'll just have to see.
Last night the progression was quite interesting as I managed to evolve and write a literary device which really brings out how the zombies are going to come into existence, and how all the dead bodies of the vampires, which have been slain by Tokyo Collider, will reanimate across Manhattan Island. So, I've managed to successfully write the battle scenes and the and it's progressing well. I'm pretty sure how it's going end now, although it keeps changing all the time. So few more days and we'll see. Awsomeness."
Spoken through SpinVox