Operation Concrete


Slightly delayed starred inspiration this week, only due to illness earlier in the week and considerable amount of work work to be getting on with. Some great highlights include, the amazing You Were In My Dream website, and Stephen King explaining how to make vampires scary again, something close to my heart at the moment. Enjoy.

Tor - XKCD's updated map of online commuities

Gala Darling - Jack Kerouac's Belief and Technique for Modern Prose

Self Publish Review - To self-publish or not to self-publish

Tor - Count down of the top 40 coming cover artists

Guardian - The future of publishing takes shape

Booooooom - Patrick Lee

Letters of note - Henry Rollins

Yimmy Yayo - Photo

BldgBlog - Upside dome

Booooooom - You were in my dream

Booooooom - Nolan Hann

Guardian - How to make vampires scary again

Reveries Of Flight - Hannah Kate Grech